Dr. Anita Chopra's Chiropractic Office


Here are some terms that you may hear Dr. Anita say during a visit.

Adjustment - A precise, careful set of movements that are applied to the joints of your body (most commonly the spine) that allows your body to return to its proper position. This will help restore range of movement and help ease the muscles that surround the joint. This also can be referred to as a manipulation
An adjustment can also include joint mobilization, which use passive movements, without the use of a thrust.

Alignment - To put in a straight line. Arrangement of position in a straight line.

Atrophy - Lack of growth, nourishment for life, wasting away.

Bilateral - Having two sides, pertaining to both sides.

Capsulitis - Inflammation of the capsule-a membrane or sac-like structure enclosing a part or organ.

Cervical Spine - The Cervical Spine has 7 cervical vertebrae. A normal ‘C’ curve is called a ‘lordotic’ curve. They are the smallest of the vertebrae with a foramen in each transverse process. The spinous process are bifid short. The cervical spinal nerves run above the vertebrae with one extra nerve C8, just below C7.

Chiropractic - The word chiropractic comes form Greek‘treatment by hand’. Chiropractic is a highly skilled treatment by trained professionals. It focuses treatment on the source of back pain, not the symptoms. Branch of the healing arts concerned with the restoration and maintenance of health by adjustment of articulations and related structures of the body, more especially the spinal column and its relationship to the nervous system.

Contraction - Shortening and/or development of tension in a muscle.

Corrective Care - Treats long term spinal problems. Because these problems are severe or have existed for some time they require longer, more complex care.

Disc Herniation - Extrusion of the nucleus pulposus into a defect of the annulus fibrosis.

Displacement - State of being removed from normal position; as pertaining to a vertebral displacement, it refers to a relationship of the vertebra to its relative structure.

Extension - Movement away from the umbilicus. Opposite of flexion.

Flexion - Movement towards the umbilicus. Opposite of extension.

Healing - The restoration of integrity to injured tissue.

Health - The normal state of optimal physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. A state of being sound or whole in body, mind or soul.

Hyper - Beyond, excessive.

Hypo - Under, deficient.

Joint Dysfunction - Joint mechanics showing area disturbances of function without structural change, subtle joint dysfunctions affecting quality and range of joint motion. They are diagnosed with the aid of palpation.

Kin Tape - a type of tape that can assist with multiple ailments. Three major functions are queuing form, reducing inflammation & swelling, and minimizing pain.  This is done by microscopically lifting the skin away from the muscle and fascia, which decompresses the area which reduces swelling. It can also signal the central nervous system through the skin’s nerves, which provides powerful feedback to minimize pain and cue form.

Kyphosis - Abnormal increased convexity in the curvature of the thoracic spine.

Mobilization - Restoring the power of motion to a joint. The process of making a fixed part moveable

Nerve Interference - A chiropractic term used to refer to the interruption of normal nerve transmission (nerve energy).

Neruralgia - Ache or pain in a nerve.Neuritis - Inflammation of a nerve.

Neuromusculosketal - Some chiropractors describe back pain as a neuromusculoskeltal problem. This term reflects the relationship between the spine, other bones, muscles, and the nervous system.

Palpation - The process of examining or exploring the body by means of light or deep manual touch.Pelvic Tilt - A deviation of the pelvis in the sagittal plane from the neutral position.

Posture - Position of the body. The distribution of body mass in relation to gravity. Good posture: A state of muscular and skeletal balance which protects the supporting structures of the body against injury or progressive deformity regardless of attitudes.

Radiculitis - Inflammation of the nerve root of a spinal nerve, especially of that portion of the root which lies between the spinal cords and the intervertebral foramen.

Range of Motion (ROM) - The range of translation and rotation of a joint for each of its six ranges of freedom. Refers to the difference between two points of physiologic extremes of motion.

Referred Pain - Pain is caused by a part in one location but felt at a different location.

Relief Care - Provided for the immediate relief of pain and discomfort. Depending on the diagnosis, age and physical condition, one visit, or several visits over a short period of time may be necessary.

Scoliosis - Structural (non-mobile) or functional (mobile) lateral curvature of the spine. Functional scoliosis can be caused by poor posture, occupational strains or other anomalies. Functional scoliosis is not necessarily permanent. Structural scoliosis is such that the deviation cannot return to a neutral position.

Short Leg - An anatomical, pathological or functional deficiency leading to dysfunction.

Spondylosis - Degeneration of the intervertebral disc.

Spondylolisthesis - Anterior slippage of a vertebral body on its caudal fellow. Anterior displacement of one vertebra on another, usually L5 over the body of the sacrum, or L4 over L5.

Sprain - Joint injury in which some of the fibers of supporting ligaments are ruptured but the continuity of the ligament remains intact.

Spur - A projecting body as from a bone.

Strain - Deformation (lengthening or shortening) of a body divided by its original length, over­ stretching or overexertion of the muscular and/or ligamentous components beyond its normal physiological limits. Force applied to a structure causing deformity which does not return to its original shape or position when the force is withdrawn.

Sub-acute - Less than acute, between acute and chronic.

Subluxation/Joint Dysfunction - When the spine shifts from its proper position or loses its normal range of motion, pressure on the surrounding joints, muscles and nerves can cause pain. Chiropractors call this a subluxation or joint fixation or joint dysfunction. A condition of the vertebra that has lost its juxtaposition (relative position) with the one above or below. This may cause nerves to be impinged and loss of function to the affected organs.

Supportive or Maintenance Care - Helps the patient maintain and enjoy the benefits of relief and corrective care.

Tendinitis - Inflammation of the tendons or muscle attachments.

Thoracic Spine - There are 12 thoracic vertebrae. These vertebrae are more rigid and form a kyphotic (reversed C) curve. They attach 12 pairs of ribs and have thick heart shaped bodies. They have small intervertebral foramen and articulating planar facets with shortened transverse processes.

Trigger Point - A small hypersensitive site that, when stimulated, consistently produces a reflex mechanism that gives rise to referred pain or other manifestations. The response is specific, in a constant reference zone, and consistent from person to person.

Vertebral Body - Solid bony mass forming the weight bearing part of the vertebra.

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2:30 pm - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 1:00 pm 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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